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Re-discovering the positive self

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Reduce criminal recidivism - Instill the idea in oneself that they are worthwhile and highly capable of living positive, stable live free of criminal tendencies.

Healthy relationships - Healthy relationships are especially important to your sense of self-worth and personal growth. Your behaviour has both a direct and indirect affect on those around you (Spouse, children, family, friends, co-workers, etc.) and by extension, the people that they come in contact with as well.

Ability to positively deal with life stresses – Not having to resort to undesirable behaviour in stressful situations will avoid embarrassment, improve your health, instill confidence and help avoid potentially criminal prosecution.

Seek and maintain gainful employment – Employers are understandably hesitant when considering a candidate with a criminal history. They are however much more receptive to those who have taken the necessary steps to put their past behind them and demonstrated the desire to lead positive lives.